Dudes and chicks,
"Speaking foreign language, nothing I can translate
You're speaking foreign language, nothing I can dictate"
Foreign Language by Anberlin"
-* How many of us know Sarawak words? I've been in Sarawak since 2001 but still, there are words that I don't understand. Maybe ya'll know some and wanted to share? Just post up comments with the word and its meaning(s). I'll put up the basic...
Word - Meaning
- Kamek (as in: car-make) - Me / I
- Kitak (as in: key-tuck) - You
- Sidak (as in: see-duck) - Them
- Nya - He / She
- Kamek orang - We
- Gerek - Boyfriend / Girlfriend
- Biak - Kid / Young
- Bubuk - Prawn
- Pusuk - Anchovy
- Asuk - Dog
- Pusak - Cat
- Manok - Chicken
- Semangka - Watermelon
- Belon - Plane
- Spetar - Hospital
- Perintah - Government
- Somet - Moustache
- Nguras - Rubbish
- Gadong - Green
- Kalas - Pink
- Ngkodok - Purple
- Cangkir - Cup
- Tapak - Plate
- Dibah - Below, Down
- Ya - That
- Tok - This
- Nok - The one (as in: the one that you talk about)
- Sitok - Here
- Sia - There
- Gitok / Camtok - Like this
- Gia / Giya - Like that
- Kakar - Talk
- Kemeh (as in: khe-mayh) - Pee
- Cali - Funny
- Bulak - Lie
- Lupak - Forget
- Gugok - Fall
- Tilit - Peek
- Polen (as in: pow-len) - Bully
- Limpas - Passing by
- Nangga / Tangga - Watch, Look
- Tumpu / numpu- Aim
- Teming (as in: tay-ming) - Show off
- Gago - Busy / Busybody
- Sungkei - Dinner
- Tapok - Hide
- Ngagak / Agak - Go to / Seek
- Diam - Live / shut up / quiet
- Maok - Want
- Tunok (as in: too-nowk) - Light up
- Main Buyok - Cheating
- Liat/Diat - Look
- Molah - Do
- Padah / Madah - Tell
- Kelaie (as in: khe-la-ee) - Fight with each other
- Plentey (as in: plan-tay) - Tease
- Bisak - Tear down
- Angol - Dizzy
- Putit - Pick up
- Sumpong - Shaving head
- Terusuk - Smashed
- Berumbak - Fighting (pulling hair)
- Tunggah - Approach
- Engkah - Put
- Embak - Bring
- Gine (as in: gi-nay) / Camne (as in: chum-nay) - How
- Sine (as in: see-nay) - Where
- Mena la? (as in: mhe-na-la) - Is that so?
- Kenak - Why / Suffer, Touch, In contact, Fit
- Aok - Yes
- Sik - No
- Kali - Maybe
- Sikpa - No problem / its okay
- Sikda - Nothing / Don't have
- Ngegeh / Bujat - Ask for attention / spoiled
- Gaok - Naughty
- Tauk - Know
- Kareh (as in: car-rayh) - Willing to
- Jaik (as in: jar-eek) - Evil
- Paloi - Stupid
- Ceridak - Disgusting
- Mehe (as in: may-hay) - Messy
- Kedirik - Yourself / Myself
- Kenjar / Kanji - Horny
- Empun - yours / hers / his / mine / ours / whose (own)
- Ngareh - Scatter
- Lelah - Tired
- Kacak - Pretty / Handsome / Nice (fine appearance)
- Temahak - Greedy
- Berderak - Crowded
- Suk - Excited
- Rubit - A bit torn down
- Gronjo - Tall
- Rumpong - Holey (got hole)
- Betekang - Really Dirty
- Tebiut - Curved
- Lonjong - Long
- Kelak - Later
- Tek - Just now
- Marek - Yesterday
- Dudi - After that
- Ria / Riya / Ari ya - The other day
- Alu - Suddenly
- Juak - Also
- Gilak - Very
- Mun - If
- Iboh / Siboh (as in: see-bowh) - Don't
- Kedak - Like
- Nang - Really
- Bah - usually is used at the end of a sentence / a sign to dismiss
Usage examples includes:
- Kenak kitak nangga kamek kedak ya?
- Kitak kacak gilak bah...
- Kitak bulak! Kamek sik cayak apa kitak padah.
- Why did you look at me like that?
- You're so pretty...
- You're lying! I don't trust what you're saying.
Original Post : That Is Azam
Lets Learn Sarawak Language
Reviewed by A3
8:40:00 PM