Shooting Star – The Musical 音樂劇~喝彩

When: Apr 10, 2015 - Apr 12, 2015
Stage 1, Performing Arts Centre of Penang
The youth are facing melancholic, drug a pill and gambling problems. They are feeling confused in these problems. Leslie, Paul and Danny are full of talent. When they star their vocation, it should bring of the future. Danny wins of the singing competition and becoming famous. However he doesn't confront his pressure and rely on drug a pill to evading pressure. Paul has an eloquence talent, become a top DJ. Although his career is growing up, he adoring in gambling. Because of that he owes a millions of dollars. Leslie becomes a singer but it is really smooth going in his work. He never gives up on his work and strove against his dream. At least he is success, however he gets a Mood Disorders. What are they going to be ?
年輕人面對情緒、濫藥及賭博等問題,顯得迷茫。三位才華橫溢的少年人 Leslie(黃家威飾)、Paul(陳冠中飾)和 Danny(陳健豪飾)爲多年好友,他們剛剛踏足社會,本應前途無限。Danny 在歌唱比賽中展露音樂天份,一夜成名,成爲流行樂壇的新寵兒。但面對成名後的種種壓力,竟漸漸依賴藥物去逃避及減壓。Paul 口才了得,成爲當紅的 DJ,但卻愛上了賭博,導致眾叛親離,更欠下無法償還的巨債。Leslie 當上了歌手,面對挫折從不放棄,屢戰屢敗,咬緊牙關努力奮鬥,終創出驕人佳績,但長年累月繃緊著的神經卻令他漸漸染上抑鬱的情緒~昔日的三個好友,在成長路上漸漸越行越遠,分道揚鑣~
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  • Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry.
  • Ticket prices shown include RM3 Ticketing Fee
  • Once tickets are sold, no exchanges or cancellations will be entertained.
  • 1 ticket admits 1 person only
  • Strictly NO Photography, Video recording and Audio recording is allowed
  • Please read and understand the Conditions of Sale before purchasing ticket
Shooting Star – The Musical 音樂劇~喝彩 Shooting Star – The Musical 音樂劇~喝彩 Reviewed by A3 on 7:17:00 AM Rating: 5
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