Yik Sang 56th Anniversary Charity Performances - Charitable Hand to Hand, Harmonious Life Heart to Heart 益生五十六周年慈善演出 - 慈善公益手牵手,和谐人生心连心

When: Oct 24, 2015
Where: Pentas 1, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac)
Yik Sang Amateur Musical Society was formed in 1950s by a group of elders leaded by the late Mr Cheong Tong Kow, late Mdm Leong Kwai Ying, late Mr Leong Yim Chor and other Cantonese Opera musicians. The main objective is to preserve and promote Cantonese Opera, our valuable cultural art heritage. As initially there is no proper place for organizing activity, the singing were held at members’ house or temporary boarding at a corner section of Fui Chiu Association of Wilayah Persekutuan and Selangor which was situated Lebuh Ampang, Kuala Lumpur at that time. Later, as the activities were mostly held at Yik Sang Chinese Medical Hall which was located at the main road of Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, the club was named after it as Yik Sang Amateur Musical Society. Since then, the numbers of members were eventually increasing and it was officially registered under the Society Act 1960 on 7 April 1959 as a non‐profit organization. Apart from promoting the Chinese Culture of Cantonese Opera stage act and singing, it has not forgotten to extend a helping hand to charities. 
Programme :  
Three Cantonese Opera Excerpts Performances
1.     Justice Sung-Writing of Petition审死官之写状
2.     The MightyWarrior and the Invincible Saga – Releasing the Hero at Dragon Gate Path龙城飞将铁金刚之龙门道义释英雄
3.     Battle of Flying Dragon Ridge 白龙关之飞龙嶺 
Four Opera Songs
1.     The 7th Fairy Returning the Infant to Her Mortal Husband天姬送子
2.     Legend of Wushuang – The Maiden’s Alive无双传之倩女回生
3.     The Surrender of Emperor Li李後主之去国归降
Synopsis of Cantonese Opera Excerpts Performances
Justice Sung-Writing of Petition
Sung Sai Kit is by far the best lawyer in Guangdong and the outlying areas of Southeast China. His skills have earned his family an excellent living, albeit his habit of winning all his cases by whatever means necessary. Because of his shyster ways, none of his sons survived beyond a year old, causing grief for his wife Mrs Sung. Upon the death of his 13th son, Sai Kit decides to retire from law, and switch to business, opening an inn in the middle of town. One day, Mrs Sung met a woman whose husband was suspiciously being murdered. She appealed Sai Kit to write a petition to be filed in the local magistrate court but being rejected due to his swear of not involving himself in the law again. However, after being begged repeatedly and convinced by his wife, he finally agreed to write the petition for the sake of doing good karma in bring out justice for the victim.
在清朝年间,宋世杰是广州有名的状师。他因为了钱才而替有罪的富人脱罪而遭天遣,使得十几个儿子相继早夭。他与心地善良的妻子十分恩爱。为了不绝後,宋世杰经妻子宋世傑經妻子勸告後决定不再造惡業于是封筆停止辦案,並開了家小客棧谋生。一日,宋世傑夫人巧遇從山西落難到廣州的孕婦楊秀珍,得知她的丈夫被姚大夫婦害死的冤情,但由于姚大老婆乃山西布政司的妹妹,因此得到山西官员的庇护, 宋夫人为了帮杨氏伸冤用尽办法激怒丈夫. 宋世杰因此怒火中烧决定重出江湖,为杨氏写状讨个公道。
 Battle at Flying Dragon Ridge
Emperor Taizu of the Song dynasty is besieged in White Dragon Pass by White Dragon, the crown prince of the Northern Han. General Huyan Shouting and his younger sister Jinding break through the encirclement by using a beauty trap. They manage to obtain military assistance, and the Song army eventually turns the table. Losing the battle, White Dragon runs away in a flurry. When he comes to Flying Dragon Ridge, he meets Jinding again. Jinding, finding it hard to resist White Dragon’s beseeching, lets him go in defiance of the military order.
 The Mighty Warrior and the Invincible Saga – Releasing the Hero at Dragon Gate Path
Upon battle victory, the Invincible Saga Lee Bing Yung sought East Ping Emperor for his promise for the Princess Chui Har’s marriage. Initially, the Emperor had approved Princess Chui Har’s marriage to the one she fell in love ie the Mighty Warrior Yam Pang Fei. However, due to the urgency of saving his kingdom, he has no choice but to agree unfaithfully on Lee Bing Yung’s condition. Due to the Emperor’s rejection, Lee Bing Yung got mad and created havoc on the spot. He managed to be stopped by others and ran to the enemy kingdom for refuge. In sought of revenge, Lee Bing Yung leaded the enemy kingdom’s army to attack East Ping. However he was defeated and escaped to Dragon Gate Path. He met with Princess Chui Har and her sister Princess Choy Har’s and being defeated again. He begged for mercy from the leading general ie Yam Pang Fei. Yam Pang Fei decided to release Lee Bing Yung as a tribute for saving him in the battlefield during his sickness. He then surrendered himself to East Ping Emperor. At the same time, Lee Bing Yung who felt guilty, returned to spot to surrender himself to the Emperor as well and informed the Emperor that he got married with the enemy kingdom’s Bak Suet Princess. The mercy and broad-minded Emperor forgave them and blessed them with their loved ones. At the same time, both kingdoms reached peace and ended war once and for all.

Ticket Prices:
Seating Layout
Age Limit: 4 years and above.
Terms & Conditions:
  • Ticket prices shown are in MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) and all inclusive of RM3 ticket handling charges and 6% GST.
  • 1 ticket admits 1 person ONLY, no sharing seats.
  • Once tickets are sold, no exchanges or cancellations will be entertained.
  • RM25 re-printing fee will be charged for damaged tickets.
  • Strictly NO photography, video and audio recording is allowed.
  • Ticketing terms and conditions as stipulated on the ticketing website and on the rear side of printed tickets shall apply at all times. Please read and understand the Conditions of Sale before purchasing ticket.
Yik Sang 56th Anniversary Charity Performances - Charitable Hand to Hand, Harmonious Life Heart to Heart 益生五十六周年慈善演出 - 慈善公益手牵手,和谐人生心连心 Yik Sang 56th Anniversary Charity Performances - Charitable Hand to Hand, Harmonious Life Heart to Heart 益生五十六周年慈善演出 - 慈善公益手牵手,和谐人生心连心 Reviewed by A3 on 5:39:00 AM Rating: 5
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