Beauty and brains, check out the 5 female actresses in Malaysia that obtained education abroad.


juliana evans
Juliana Evans, is one of the hottest actresses in Malaysia and have been in many successful TV shows and films. Most notable ones are Kami The Series and Kami The Movie. She is now still currently studying in the US to pursue film studies to further her skills so she can be even more successful when she returns to Malaysia. She first studied at the Western Michigan University, where she studied Film, Video, and Media Studies. She then decided to further her studies at the New York Film Academy to further improve her craft.

From studying at these two universities and gaining relevant and more skills and knowledge, she might become an even bigger star once she returns!

If you're interested in following the footsteps of this beauty, check out studying in the US now. 


ummi nazeera
Ummi Nazeera is one actress who got her way up among the leagues of the other famous actresses around her age pretty fast through the combination of using her talent and beauty. She also comes from a very powerful family, as her mom is known to be a super business woman. She probably got this business sense from her family and uses it to drive through her career.

She has just returned to us in Malaysia, but when she was a student in Australia, she was a very sociable and popular student, and actually became the Malaysian Student Ambassador for RMIT university. With the knowledge and education she received, she will continue to do some acting along with helping building her family's empire.

It's pretty safe to say that studying abroad has definitely made her future look even brighter!

Want to study at RMIT? You can learn more about RMIT here. Or if you're interested in studying elsewhere in Australia, you can start your search for courses and universities now.


lisa surihani
When it comes to talent, there's no question or doubt for Lisa Surihani, as she has earned and been nominated for various film awards for her performances in so many movies.

She went to further her studies in 2009 in the UK in the University of Aberswyth in Wales to study for a law degree. Even so, when she was done, she came back and filmed the commercially successful movie Lagenda Budak Setan which earned her the award for Best Female Actress at the Malaysian Film Festival!

Her experience studying abroad must have an impact on this even if she studied something entirely different!

If you would like to see whether studying abroad can change your life in a positive way, check out universities and courses in the UK. Would like to study law just like Lisa? Click here to search for law courses locally or abroad. 


gabriella robinson
Some have describe both her looks and her philanthropic work to be similar to the likes of Angelia Jolie (or at least getting there).

Gabriella Robinson studied Performance Arts in Deakins University, Australia and once she came back she entered the pageant for Miss Malaysia and took second place as the runner up! She then also joined the Miss Tourism International pageant and actually won! This then made her the first Malaysian to ever win it, putting her in Malaysia's Book of Records and also making history. She is definitely someone who can make other Malaysians feel proud as she was able to break boundaries by winning this pageant.

She has also now expanded her career into acting, and there is no doubt that she will be able to make it in this industry too! So did studying abroad give her the skills and knowledge to make her dreams come true? 


Diana Danielle just can't seem to stay out of the news as she always seems to be a consistent hot topic. She is definitely the darling of the media and the screen. Everyone is just obsessed with this multi-talented Malaysian beauty.

Diana Danielle started acting at a young age with her first film being Idola. She then continued with smaller roles in TV shows and then quickly caught attention of bigshots in the industry, which wanted her to be in films. She was then proppled into superstardom by becoming a Movie Star. This Malaysian sweetheart has a reputation for being an over-achiever, but there's nothing wrong with challenging yourself if it helps make you better. Along with acting, she can also sing, and has one awesome voice for it as well!

She has studied abroad both in the United States, and in Australia to hone her skills and craft in the arts, and gain even more knowledge in the art of film. She studied acting in the United States and then script writing in Australia. Once she came back from the U.S. it was definitely obvious that her talent grew as she obtained more prominent roles in movies, with an exciting one coming up which is Hanyut, along with Kami Histeria.

She must have some good time management skills if she can balance being a wife, mother, and a superstar all at the same time!

So if these gals can do it and study abroad despite their busy careers I'm sure you can too!

So look for a course abroad and start your journey to success!
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