马来西亚作品专场 《乡·聚》 Opus of Malaysian: Intersection

When: Sep 5, 2015
Where: Stage 1, Performing Arts Centre of Penang
此次演奏会以马来西亚作曲家作品为内容,主要意义在于向观众介绍我国优秀青年作曲家之华乐作品。我国华乐作曲家们Snop在创作这条道路上已默默耕耘了近40 年,至今已酝酿出不少具国际水平的作曲家。他们的作品纷纷获得国际知名乐团的委约。朋友们,他们是我们国家的光荣!让我们一起来支持他们、欣赏他们的音乐吧!本团特别安排全场演奏本地青年作曲家:郑适秀、江赐良、余家和及赵俊毅的作品。
曲目包括:二胡与扬琴《说》、扬琴与中阮《游离》、合奏《灿若繁星》、合奏《马来妹》、二胡四重奏《凤阳花鼓》、弦乐六重奏《空山人语响》、琵琶与中阮《西班牙舞曲》、器乐五重奏《牧歌》、器乐五重奏《送我一支玫瑰花》、阮族四重奏《Ikan Kekek》。
This concert features works by Malaysian Chinese orchestra composers, with the aim of introducing their compositions for Chinese orchestra.
Malaysian composers have been working tirelessly in the Chinese orchestra scene for nearly 40 years and have produced numerous world class standard compositions and have been performed by major international orchestras.
Fellow Malaysians and friends, they are the pride of our country. Let us support and enjoy the music they created. We will be performing works by the following composers: Teh Tze Siew, Simon Kong Su Leong, Yii Kah Hoe, and Chow Jun Yi.
Pieces includes: Erhu with Yangqin "The Talk", Yangqin with Zhongruan "Drifting", Ensemble "Brilliant Stars", Ensemble "Gadis Melayu", Erhu Quartet "Fengyang Flower-Drum", String Sextet "Voices of the Quiet of the Mountain", Pipa with Zhongruan "Toraedor Dance", Instruments Quintet "Mongolian Pastoral Song", Instruments Quintet "Send Me a Rose" and Ruan Quartet "Ikan Kekek".
Price Details
Venue Layout
Age Limit: 7 years and above
Terms & Conditions:
  • Ticket prices shown are in MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) and All inclusive of RM3 ticket handling charges and 6% GST.
  • 1 ticket admits 1 person ONLY, no sharing seats.
  • Once tickets are sold, no exchanges or cancellations will be entertained.
  • RM25 re-printing fee will be charged for damaged tickets.
  • Strictly NO photography, video and audio recording is allowed.
  • Ticketing terms and conditions as stipulated on the ticketing website and on the rear side of printed tickets shall apply at all times. Please read and understand the Conditions of Sale before purchasing ticket.
马来西亚作品专场 《乡·聚》 Opus of Malaysian: Intersection 马来西亚作品专场 《乡·聚》 Opus of Malaysian: Intersection Reviewed by A3 on 5:12:00 AM Rating: 5
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